Why Our Supplements Are So Different

It is estimated that around 59% of people in the UK take supplements to add nutrients to their diet and safeguard themselves against potential health problems. But just how useful are they? In short, not very. Unless the supplements that you’re taking have been tailored to you, then there’s a high chance that they won’t be effective. In fact, they’ll be anything but. At humanpeople, we offer the most advanced standards in nutritional supplements, using blood, gut and DNA tests to determine the areas in which you are deficient. This allows us to develop a clearer picture of what’s going on inside your body in order to supply you with your very own personalised supplement combination, each and every month.  What makes our supplements so great? We understand that the formulas found in many over-the-counter vitamins and supplements contain substances that cannot be easily converted into active forms within the body. Some people are able to do this, some people are not. This makes their consumption a potentially pointless exercise. Thankfully, all of the vitamins used in our supplements are highly absorbable and have been proven to work. We avoid using the likes of cyanaco-cobalamin and folic acid, and instead favour methyl B12 and methyl folate. Up to 40% of some populations cannot convert or use folic acid at all, so why take the risk? As it’s also essential that certain vitamins are taken in partnership with one another, and we’ve got you covered there too. Taking vitamin K2 without vitamin D3? Bad idea. This may lead to the development of osteoporosis artery calcification in later life. We use the trans form of K2MK7 (K2 as MK7) to stop this from happening - no other company will do the same. Such emphasis on synergy runs throughout our entire personalised process. For example, we find that vitamin D works best when vitamin B12 and magnesium are optimsied in dosage. It only takes a simple blood test to uncover this fact. It really couldn’t be easier. https://humanpeople.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/vitamins.jpg We also use magnesium glycinate and threonate as opposed to magnesium oxide, and our probiotics - produced alongside Biotics Research and Allergy Research Group - are 200 billion CFU. The reason that our supplements work so well is because we carefully research every element before choosing the dose and type that is best suited to you. And for your body, would you expect anything less?

Our High Dosage Supplements

The only way to truly find out what you need is to TEST. How? Well, that’s easy. If you get in touch with us, we can send you home sampling kits to test your blood, DNA and gut microbiome. If you don’t want to do all three, then you can get the ball rolling with a blood test. You can decide if you want to increase the level of personalisation by taking the other tests at a later date. Once you’ve completed these easy-to-use tests, we will analyse your results and report back on our findings. This is where we will begin to devise your precise personal supplement combination, offering you HIGH DOSAGES of what YOU need in order to become healthier and feel better. The strength of these dosages will be decided when we identify your main areas of deficiency. But you can rest assured that whatever strength or supplement you receive will be highly effective because they’ve been chosen to target your body’s specific needs. An example of where our dosages differ from those available elsewhere is our omega 3 supplements. These contain 750mg of DHA and EPA (the fatty acids that make the consumption of omega 3 so vital) per capsule, which makes them perfect for improving cognition, immune function and inflammation.

Personalised Supplement Subscriptions

So, let’s make it personal. Our advanced testing allows us to get to know you better than you know yourself. From here, we can customise your monthly supplements to ensure that you get exactly what you need. We even offer re-testing so that we can monitor your results and show you how effective your subscription is on a regular basis. Re-testing is also recommended to help us to tweak your prescription, giving you the supplements that really are best for you right when you need them.

Test For Your Personalised Vitamins & Supplements

Do you feel our personalised supplement subscription service could benefit you? Get in touch with us today, tell us how you’re feeling and get a home sampling kit delivered straight to your door.

Feel better, with humanpeople. 

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