Thank you , here are your health scores in comparison to over 4000 other individuals. See below for supplement and test recommendations.
Diet and balancing energy requirements is essential for fitness. If you are burning lots of calories as well as getting the required calories you also need to make sure you have the right amount of nutritional support to keep the energy pathways, digestive pathways, detoxification pathways and excretion working properly. Increasing important co-factors and anti-oxidants are especially important. Fluid balance and electrolytes will affect performance and some genes will affect this significantly.
Your personalised plan- Six targeted supplements for long-term health today and in the future.
Select from our recommendations to build your personalised stack. Browse our full catalogue if you are looking for something specific. Prices for 4 weeks.
Integrating your home tests and your health assessment
We will automatically update your recommendations as soon as your test results return. One of the team will send you a video explaining your results and you then have the choice of updating your supplement stack.
Learn more about our tests
Unlock the keys to health and longevity. Our easy, at-home test pinpoints essential nutrient deficiencies to optimise your foundational well-being.
Discover your unique blueprint for health and longevity with our personalised DNA test that reveals how your body is designed to thrive.